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CVs and Cover Letters for the Over 50s

Nowadays, thanks to a lifetime of good eating habits, regular exercise and  check-ups there are many of us out there who could put 16-25 year olds to shame. However, if you have let your health slide there is no time like the present to take it in reign and get back in top form.

Over 50 - Is he a Risk?

It’s a question recruiters and employers may well ask and whilst there is supposed to be a law that says employers cannot take age into consideration when they are employing someone, many do, and here’s why.

1.  Dependability: Most companies need to be able to relay on their staff.  It helps the fluidness of their business.  If a recruiter takes on someone who is in ill health, or looks ill, there is a possibility that the new recruit will go off sick. If his new position is to lead or motivate a team this could potentially cause havoc.

2. Health and Safety:  If the vacant position is for someone who will be managing machinery there is a health and safety risk and this can endanger the new recruit’s own life and the lives of others and this can be upsetting for the whole workforce.

3.  Meetings: If the new employee is expected to attend meetings either with staff or with clients and he doesn’t turn up, this can affect the company’s  brand name and reputation.

If you manage to get to interview and fall asleep in the reception room it’s unlikely you will be chosen as a possible candidate for employment. The recruiter may be worried that your health is not what it could be and that it could deteriorate.   

However, if you look healthy and fit the recruiter may have more confidence in your abilities. He may take a more serious look at you as a potential employee taking into consideration your experience and expertise as well as your health.

Ten things to think about
when writing an over 50 s CV.

1.  Don’t leave your age off.  The recruiter may think you have left it off in error and disregard your CV altogether.

2.  Do emphasize your health and dependability.

3.  Focus your CV and pick out your skills so that they match the recruiter’s needs.  Don’t leave gaps.

4.  Do a spell check and grammar check.  With today’s technology there is no need or room for error.

5.  Get someone else to check over your CV.  We would be delighted to help.

6.  If you want to work in the field you have left but envisage yourself working in a lesser position because of your age - rethink your skills and abilities - what have you got to offer that a younger person hasn’t.  

7.  Believe in yourself, if you don’t why would an employer.

8.  Did they ask for a questionnaire?

9.  Have you included a cover letter?

10. Do you know the follow up processes and procedures?

Need more help?  Let’s talk now!  We would be delighted to assist.

Made Redundant, Given Early Retirement

Over 50s CVs and Resumes

References and Testimonials