Our Experience is vast and covers hundreds of sectors a few of which you can find below -
CVs for Professionals,
CVs for Specialists,
CVs for IT Consultants and Specialists,
CVs for Graduates, Finance, Agriculture, Music, Business, Commerce, and various other areas.
CVs for Teachers,
CVs for Teaching Assistants
CVs for Ambassadors
CVs for Lecturers,
CVs for Analysts,
CVs for Project Managers,
CVs for Military to Civilian,
CVs for Medical Profession, Drs, Nurses
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Transitioning Dream Jobs to Reality!
CV Specialist Writing Services
Guarantee a Successful Outcome!
Est 1996 -
Mobile and Whatsapp:079460 50328
With extensive experience in the Engineering and Management Sector we are well placed to offer you a professional consultancy and CV Writing service that is sure to wow the recruiter and win you through the short listing process.
How to place your order.
1. Email your CV to us, either via the form aside or by direct email info@cvspecialist.org.uk. We will then run through it quickly so that we may evaluate how much work needs done and the total cost.
2. We will give you a call back to discuss further and to give you a quote. This quote will be followed up with an email so that you know exactly what your package includes.
3. With our email quote we will give you instructions on how to place your order and make your payment either through our Order Now Page or via the link on the far right.
1. Consultation: A scheduled consultation (at a time suitable to you) managed either on a face to face basis, or via Skype, phone and email. During this consultation we may collaborate with you to extract necessary information that will help us focus and align your, achievements, qualifications, skills and expertise to promote you as the best “fit” for your targeted position so that you, at very least, win through to interview.
2. CV Specialist Writing: Clear cut, concise and focused writing; written in such a way as to entice the recruiter to invite you to interview quickly.
3. Quality Assured: Proofing: spell check, grammar check, inclusion of pivotal keywords, using terminology expected of status and experience.
4. DRAFT Copy: Emailed to you in word (*.doc) or *pdf format within anything from a few days to a week. However, if there is an early closing date on any position you wish to target please let us know when you are placing your order so we can be sure your CV is ready in time.
5. Final Copy/Engrossment: Once you have had time to go through everything, we are all happy that it is the best it can be and you have confirmed complete satisfaction, we will process the Final Copies of your CV and cover letter in electronic and paper print versions.
Summary of Engineering and Management CV Package.
1. Presentation Print
2. Two copy prints
3. *Pdf copy
4. *Doc copy
5. Targeted cover letter
6. Career coach advise. Help and tips on job applications, following up applications, the interview process and more…
References and Testimonials