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Our Experience is vast and covers hundreds of sectors a few of which you can find  below  - All enquiries welcome!

Management CVs

Global Executives, CV

Area Manager, CV

National Manager, CV
Executive, CVs

Group Manager, CVs

General Manager, CVs

Site Manager, CVs

Leaseholder Managers, CV

Property Manager, CVs

Facilities Management, CVs

Assistant Manager, CVs

Health Manager, CVs

Doctor, CVs

Nurses from Jnr to Matron, CVs

Chief Executive, CVs

Project Manager, CVs

Restaurant Manager, CVs

Co-ordinators, CVs

Operations Management, CVs

Shop Manageress, CVs

Fraud Inspectors,  CVs

Civil Service, CVs

Procurement Manager, CVs

Project Management, CVs

Personal Assistant, CVs

Project Assistant, CVs

Secretary, CVs

Executive Secretary/PA, CV

Administrator, CVs

Database Officer, CVs

Directors CVs

Sales Director CVs

Area Representative CVs

Site Engineer CVs

Oil and Gas Engineers CVs

Offshore and Onshore CVs

Rope Access Technician CVs

Adjudications Officer CVs

Magistrate CV

Contractor CVs

Executive Director, CVs

Business Development Manager CVs

Fire Chief and Firemen, CVs

Policeman, CVs

CVs for Beauticians

CVs for Professionals,

CVs for Specialists,

CVs for IT Consultants and Specialists,

CVs for Graduates, Finance, Agriculture, Music, Business, Commerce, and various other areas.

CVs for Teachers,

CVs for Teaching Assistants

CVs for Ambassadors

CVs for Lecturers,

CVs for Analysts,

CVs for Project Managers,

CVs for Military to Civilian,

CVs for Medical Profession, Drs, Nurses

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CV Specialist Writing Services
Guarantee a Successful Outcome!

CV Specialist - Est 1996.  CVs that are taken seriously! CV Specialist

Est 1996 - its 2024 and we’re still top league!
Mobile and Whatsapp:079460 50328


Most Global Executives have worked hard to get where they are today. Many of them have worked with the same company for more than an era and are unsure how to go about writing a CV, so you are not alone!

We give you the benefit of our knowledge and experience in Professional CV writing along with loads of handy tips on job applications, interviews and follow up processes.  Many of our tips and secrets, which we divulge to our customers, cannot be found anywhere else.

All CVs should be focused and this includes Global Executive CVs.  However, whilst some companies believe a CV should only be 2-3 pages long, we feel that for a Global Executive with over 20 years experience, this may well sell him short and, whilst it is true that on the initial read a recruiter or employer make only quickly flick through a bunch of CVs, when they find one of real interest they will take time to go through it.  

If you are being head-hunted by an agency, then sometimes, the recruiter may promote you to a company with a shorter version of your CV.  However, once you have been employed by a particular company, it is not usual for HR to ask for a longer version of your CV so they may equate your skills and experience with any further training or staff development going on the company.  Giving a full CV in the first instance saves a lot of time later.  It shows that you are well organised and that you have taken the time to ensure all details are concise and information, perhaps not even needed until later, can easily be found.

If you send in a shorter version of your CV the Recruiter or company you are applying to, may consider that you a) have not taken enough time on your CV b) do not care enough c) do not have the skills or mindset they are looking for.  

Aimed at promoting our clients professionally, our CVs, though clear, concise and focused, ensure they contain all the elements, verbalisation and keywords that a recruiter or company may seek.  After all they want to be sure they are taking on someone who can live up to their high quality brand as much as anything else.

Est in 1996 we have many years successful experience in creating professional and focused CVs for Global Executive CVs.  

Let us help prepare you and your CV for either an upward move to Global Executive or a sideways move into another company..

Our expertise lies in focusing and aligning your key skills with those the recruiter seeks so that you are seen as a perfect match for his needs.  Your transferable qualities and skills being just one of many factors that need to be emphasised.

To support you during this transition we will create a Professional CV that will, at very least, showcase your skills and capabilities, so that both recruiters in agencies and those in companies will be able to pick you out as being their next best possible asset.

We will verbalise your CV with the keywords and strings that are expected, for the particular status and position of the role you target.

Global Executive CVs - CV Specialist Services est 1996

Successful CV Writing Services -
Experienced in Writing Successful Global Executive CVs

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